8 Tricks to Grow Fast on TikTok

8 Tricks to Grow Fast on TikTok

Isn’t growing fast on TikTok everyone’s dream? Having thousands of followers interacting with all of our videos may seem like a mirage, but I guarantee you it’s easier than expected. There are a number of tricks that can help us grow. In fact, on TikTok it is much easier to get followers than on Instagram (In this article I deepen the differences between TikTok and Instagram, I recommend reading).

Let’s see what are the main “hacks” with which you can hope to become an influencer:

Ask users to interact with the video

The first secret to growing fast on TikTok may seem trivial, but I assure you it is essential.

But before explaining how it works, let’s quickly review how TikTok’s algorithm works.

To go viral it is very important to receive interactions, i.e. likes, comments and shares. In this way the algorithm chooses between quality videos, i.e. those that have received a lot of interactions, and poor videos, which have not been successful. The reward of quality videos is very simple: stay more time in the “for you” section, with a consequent increase in views and followers.

If you are interested in better understanding the TikTok algorithm I suggest this article.

We understand that it is important to receive a lot of interactions, but how can you go about increasing the number?

Trivially, asking users to do it.

If we ask users to interact with the video first, they will be much more likely to do so. So it is essential to include in the video or in the description of the “call to action” (literally, call to action) in which we invite those who are watching the video to interact.

Specifically, we could ask you to like if you liked the video, to comment on a question posed in the video or even to share the video with your friends.

I guarantee you that with this simple trick it will be much easier to grow fast on TikTok.

Don’t be in a hurry

While growing up on TikTok must be your ambition, don’t risk it becoming your obsession. To date, there is no 100% scientific method to grow, so it is possible that the results of these tips will show after many videos.

If we’re not growing with our first videos, we don’t have to worry. It can happen. Be aware that the results of the videos are very unrelated to each other. So it’s possible that just when so many videos go wrong and everything seems lost, the following video gets thousands of views. It is important to keep posting because success is just around the corner and our next video could be enough to get many followers (for example, I made more than 2000 followers with just one video).

Post lots of videos

Just because the results of the videos are not related to each other, it is important to post a lot. TikTok is as if it were a virality race in which many users participate with many videos. The more videos we post, the more chances we have of one of them becoming popular. So I advise you to post even 3 times a day and above all at least 1 time. If we post a little it is very difficult to grow. Attention at the time of publication: if we want to upload more than one video we must not do it at the same time but defer them during the day. For example, we could put a video at noon and one at 6 pm.

To grow fast on TikTok: take advantage of trends

A trend is a group of videos that are very similar to each other, which use the same hashtags, the same music or the same effects. TikTok constantly changes trends and you can find them in the discover section, that is the one with the magnifying glass. The good thing about the trends is that TikTok users like them a lot. So if we follow a trend while it is in trend, it will be much easier to receive interactions from users. Attention, trends change quickly, timing is essential to not miss the train of success.

Take advantage of trendy sounds

We actually anticipated this trick in the previous point. Just like with hashtags, there are also trending rankings with sounds. TikTok itself takes care of sorting the songs according to this principle, putting among the trends the sounds that are currently most used by the users of the app. Without repeating ourselves, using a trendy sound in our videos undoubtedly helps to grow. It is usually better to choose the one that is proposed as before, as it is the one that collects the most appreciation at the moment. If you really don’t like the song, add it anyway. Just change the sound later, lowering it to the maximum, with the consequence that you will not hear the audio at all but our video will be rewarded by the algorithm anyway.

Take advantage of surveys to grow fast on TikTok

allows you to add a very special sticker to our videos, the quiz. In

this way you can insert a survey in our video with which users

can choose between two alternatives, by clicking on the answer they think is

right. The advantage is always the same: with a survey you get many

interactions from users and therefore our video will be rewarded

by the algorithm.

interesting videos

The seventh trick is very important, perhaps the most important of all. This is because a quality video must always be present at the basis of growth. But how do you go about making a video you like? Well, it’s not easy, but here too we can follow some techniques. The main advice is to imitate the videos that are going viral of other users. In this way we already know that that format works and therefore we eliminate a substantial part of the risk. Clearly it is more challenging to create the videos without copying, but it is also much more difficult. Other tips are: do duets with the main ballets and lip sync, create funny videos, make videos in loops, make videos where you give advice, make video tutorials and above all get involved. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, on TikTok you have to expose yourself to be successful.

Attract attention

Unfortunately or fortunately TikTok is plan of interesting videos, it’s not just you. Ideally our video competes with thousands of other videos posted at the same time. The user first of all knows that he has a lot of choice, so he does not fossilize watching all the videos, on the contrary, as soon as he realizes that the current video does not interest him, he skips immediately to the next. To prevent our video from being skipped, it is necessary to capture the viewer’s attention. We have on average 2 seconds before the user decides what to do. These first 2 seconds are essential, we need to make a good impression. To capture the attention we can insert captivating text, which invites the complete vision of the video. “Don’t skip”, “the ending is incredible” and “look what happens” are all great anchors for grabbing attention.

For this reason we must not take advantage of others. If we create videos that are too long, we must ensure that the attention is always high, otherwise our video will be skipped anyway. Therefore, a shorter but always interesting video is better than a long video that becomes boring after a few seconds.

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